We provide disability insurance carriers, self-insured entities, and third-party administrators with solutions that deliver positive financial outcomes.
Our highly experienced claim consultants are positioned to respond to various aspects of your ever-changing business needs and deliver a custom support strategy.
Our strategic advice, capacity through the claim lifecycle, and independent and reliable reviews result in increased operational efficiency, greater claim accuracy and effectiveness, and reduced risk.
Our talent-focused solutions provide targeted tactical services aimed at strengthening the internal capabilities of disability claim organizations.
We offer customers access to a team of seasoned talent to amplify their efforts, as well as resources focused on upskilling their staff and expanding internal capabilities.
Our industry insights and advisory services provide customers with actionable data, benchmarking, best practices, and industry reporting, as well as consultative solutions.
Our experience across the disability insurance industry gives our customers access to our breadth of functional and technical expertise while we tailor solutions to meet their objectives.
We have helped thousands of people apply for Social Security Disability (SSDI) benefits and offer our customers tailor-made solutions that scale. Our end-to-end support also includes reimbursement facilitation services.
Our experienced team offers an industry-wide perspective, extensive benchmarking capabilities, and actionable insights regarding process optimization.
We specialize in balancing the goals of our business customers and the needs of our individual clients throughout every step of the benefit recovery process.
Our recovery professionals are highly skilled and dedicated to employing different forms of reimbursement to positively impact our customer’s bottom line.
To learn more about how we can add value to your organization, contact us.
Employer Solutions
We provide employers, ranging from small companies to global organizations, with SSDI advocacy and Medicare Eligibility Services.